British Empire Medal

British Empire Medal:

On Friday 12th May 2017, I had the pleasure of attending a ceremony in Warwick for a friend that had been nominated and selected to receive the British Empire Medal.

Strong Showing:

Sheila Onions was one of 10 recipients in Warwickshire to receive the British Empire Medal. This year Warwickshire made a really strong showing in the Queens Honours list, as they usually only get 2 to 3 awards. Sheila was nominated for her work in Fillongley and Atherstone.

Shire Hall:

The ceremony took place at Shire Hall in the Judges House. The award was presented on behalf of the Queen by the Warwickshire’s Lord-Lieutenant Mr Timothy B Cox.

Appointed April 2013

Lord The Lord-Lieutenant is Her Majesty’s formal representative in the county. Warwickshire’s Lord-Lieutenant is Mr Timothy B Cox appointed by The Queen in April 2013

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